Why Hiring A Local Lawn Care Company Is Better For Your Lawn

Today's blog is a little different. We'd like to take a moment to say "thank you" to all our loyal customers. We truly could not be what we are without the support you've shown us.
mans hand on grass

For this month’s blog, we’d like to do something a little different. We’d like to speak not about lawn care best practices or how to care for your shrubs. We would like to take this opportunity to possibly over-share a bit and speak about our company.

Top Lawn has been around long enough to see a trend begin to repeat itself again and again: former lawn care company owners starting new companies with the intention of growing them as large and as fast as they can so they can sell them to the highest bidder. When this happens, it can leave customers feeling confused and even hurt. After all, you signed up to support a local, family-owned shop and now your property is serviced by a franchised chain. We’d like to address this sort of exchange and why it’s always better for your lawn to choose a local company, like Top Lawn.


How Top Lawn’s Service Beats Franchises


We See You As Individuals, Not Dollar Signs

Every business needs to make a profit to stay afloat. That’s a no-brainer. But when it comes to lawn care, there are two ways to go about it. Some companies make their profits by consistently providing the highest quality service and building their customer base organically; i.e. they grow because they are good at what they do. Others like to squeeze out profits wherever they can, even at the cost of quality customer service. As mentioned previously, some lawn care companies start strictly with the intention of growing as fast and large as possible – just so they can sell out to the larger chains. What normally happens when a sale like that takes place is that the parties agree to a non-compete clause. This means the original owner is legally forbidden to take part in a similar business in a given area for a certain period of time. What we are seeing happen now is that after the expiration of the non-compete, the original owner comes back to town and starts the whole process over again; making empty promises, giving away “valuable services”, and accumulating as many customers as fast as they can so they can sell them again and take a few more years off.

We’re Committed To Customers

Top Lawn was born out of this circumstance. However, we decided that we would dedicate ourselves to quality over profits. In March of 2001, Mike and Ken – the duo that would soon found Top Lawn – learned that the company they had shed their blood, sweat, and tears for – the company they grew from 400 to 8000 customers – was selling to a multi-national conglomerate. The company name they collectively gave over 20 years of their lives to help build and establish was dissolved with the stroke of a pen. With that, Ken and Mike set out to build a dependable company that could be trusted to provide for their families, their employees, and their customers. That is where our heart is. We currently have seven immediate family members working here at Top Lawn. We are trying to build an enduring company; a company that we can be proud of and that our customers and families can count on. We know you have many choices in lawn care services and we MUST provide you with great reasons not only to hire us but to STAY with us. We know how much the look of landscaping can affect your home and property value, and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. We know how much trust you place in us when you pick Top Lawn to care for your lawn.

Thank Youheart-lawn

We started this blog by saying that maybe we are over-sharing a little bit. Maybe it is the frustration of trying to compete with companies that are started with their exit strategy already mapped out; companies that don’t have to depend on the income from this business to provide for their families, or maybe it is the wound that is reopened when we remember what it was like for us, our families, and our customers when it happened to us. We wanted to bring this into the light to caution you and also to thank you for your loyalty to our company. We do not take it for granted and we will do everything in our power to prove that you have made the best possible choice for your lawn care service needs.

Discover The Difference A Local Lawn Care Company Can Make

When you hire Top Lawn, you’re hiring a lawn care company that’s close to Waterford, West Bloomfield, Wixom, and the many other communities of metro Detroit. We know the needs of this area as we’ve lived and worked here our whole lives. You won’t find that same expertise with franchised companies. Plus, we offer organic lawn care to protect our treasured local ecosystem. See the difference for yourself! Call (248) 956-6022 or leave us a message online to learn more about what we do or to schedule lawn fertilization, tree and shrub care services, and more!

If you’d like to read more about what we do, discover the latest sales, or see photos of our satisfied customers’ yards, be sure to read our blog, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.


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