Trees and shrubs contribute to the overall value of your home. Protect your investment with professional tree and shrub care treatments from Top Lawn. With over 50 years of combined experience, we can help ensure that you’ll enjoy a healthy landscape for years to come.
With Top Lawn, your trees and shrubs will maintain a strong, healthy, and vigorous root development. They will also receive protection from harmful insects and diseases that can damage their appearance and chances of survival. Count on our tree and shrub program to feed your valued landscape with the proper nutrients.
Help Evergreens Survive Tough Winter Conditions!
Because evergreens never go completely dormant, this leaves them open to a type of winter damage known as “winter kill.” Although many evergreens have tough, leathery leaves and a thick, waxy coating, they lose a lot of moisture in the winter. The damage usually isn’t discovered until the following spring when temperatures rise, and the plant leaves begin to brown and curl as they grow. Our Evergreen Protection spray provides a protective coating for your evergreens.
Top Lawn’s Tree & Shrub Treatment
Dormant Oil Spray
When spring arrives in Michigan, our trees and plants come out of dormancy. Unfortunately, so do the bugs. Many of these insects feed on your trees and carry deadly diseases. Dormant oil is applied to deciduous trees and shrubs during the winter months when they are latent. It is made from refined petroleum oil and applied to the branches and trunks of trees. It is designed to protect them from damaging insects and destructive diseases without damaging the plant itself. It is a great way to boost the health and resistance of your trees and shrubs.
Spring and Fall Deep Root Feeding
Deep root feeding is a fertilization process that takes place between fall and mid-spring. It involves feeding nutrients directly into a tree’s root ball through a massive spike. It works to improve the tree’s immune system, enhancing root development and disease resistance. It can increase the growth rate of trees by 20 percent.
We also offer both an early and late spring leaf spray and an early and late summer leaf spray for insect and other pest control.
Get More With Program Bundles
Preferred+ Bundle
Our Preferred+ Lawn Care Program includes all the benefits of the Essential Lawn Care Program + 2 additional Premier services that provide even greater protection and superior results, saving you even more money when you “bundle” and buy up front!
Our Preferred Lawn Care Program includes all the benefits of the Essential Lawn Care Program + 3 additional Premier services that provide even greater protection and superior results, saving you money when you “bundle” and buy up front!